On special offer
Cięciwa Flemish "Sekula Archery" Fast Flight
Cięciwa flemish (flamandzka) wykonana przez firmę Sekula Archery .
Cięciwa flamandzka powstaje na skutek skręcania wielu nitek, uszy wykonane są metodą zaplatania .
List price
18,96 €/1szt.
Producer code
For the 48'' bow5903351211680
For the 50'' bow5903351211437
For the 52'' bow5903351211703
For the 54'' bow5903351211710
For the 56'' bow5903351211727
For the 58'' bow5903351211741
For the 60'' bow5903351211758
For the 62'' bow5903351211765
For the 64'' bow5903351211789
For the 66'' bow5903351211796
For the 68'' bow5903351211802
For the 70'' bow5903351211819
For the 72'' bow5903351211826
For the 74'' bow5903351211833
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